Thursday, September 27, 2018

     I have been a dancer off and on since the age of 18, I am now 36. I really have a Love/Hate relationship with dancing. I often wonder if I hadn't started to dance if I would have had to find a different way to make things work, or if I would have been farther along in my development as a person by now; or maybe my life would have been harder. There's no point dwelling on what could have been, but it is useful to reflect. I realize that it has effected my life in positive and negative ways.
 In my heart I know that I'm ready for what's next now, and that I've outgrown it, and it's time to do something else, but what..?
    I'm not ready for this change because I have to be, I actually make the most money I've ever made dancing. I don't think the reason I make more money is because I look much different, or because the economy is good, I think it's because my "Game" has improved.
I read a lot of books about self improvement and growth, and in many of them they have the same theory that it takes 6-8 years to become an expert in your profession.
I guess that makes me an expert 😝. I honestly would say that I have been successful as far as being a dancer is concerned. I am not an alcoholic,  addicted to drugs, I have my kids and they are for the most part normal healthy kids, and I have accomplished goals while being a dancer with out ever having to lower my standards and limits that I've set for my self .
That doesn't mean that I don't have issues or that I have not been effected, I'm just saying considering that I've stayed a dancer for as long as I have with what you have to face , I am Okay.
This is my first blog, so I'm definitely not an expert on how to go about it.
 I plan on sharing my experiences, advice, what I've learned,  what I'm still learning, and look forward to connecting and learning from others as well.
I have become a Real estate Broker, I've had an eBay store selling vintage lingerie, I am currently an esthetician who makes make up and natural products. I love to learn and research. Have you figured out what you want to do after dancing or what did you move on to? What worked or didn't work to get you out?

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